汽油的分析至关重要,它决定了燃料的质量、安全性、法规和环保。我们的汽油分析仪完全符合标准:ASTM D4814, EN 228 及其方法和规格。
SeNse是AC Analytical Controls最新开发的。硫化学发光检测器(SCD)提供了超高的灵敏度,非常稳定的基线和极佳的结果重复性。因此,它可以灵活地适用于大多数色谱解决方案。
Specifically designed for mobile laboratory applications
AC Analytical Controls®,全球常压馏程市场的领导者,提供全方位的解决方案,准确测定从石脑油到原油样品的真实馏程数据。
Full range of DHA solutions for applications to comply with ASTM D 5134,D 6729, D 6730 and D 6733
AC Analytical Controls developed a series of Oxytracer Solutions to determines trace impurities of oxygenates in light petroleum streams such as C2 and C3 gases, LPG, Naphtha and Gasolines, in accordance with different methods.
The AC Analytical Controls® AC8612 application delivers ASTM D86 correlated data for naphtha and gasoline samples within ASTM D86 groups 0, 1, and 2 in 15 minutes. It is based on fast detailed hydrocarbon analysis (DHA), and uses the PAC proprietary Fugacity Film Calculation Model for reporting accurate D86 correlated data.
Hydrocarbon Group Type Analysis
The FTO system analyzes streams with concentrations of 0.2%-35% olefins. This GC system determines C4 - C10 olefins in all finished motor gasolines, straight naphthas and FCC naphthas.
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