每一批次的喷气燃料必须符合很多标准,例如ASTM D1655, ASTM D3241, ASTM D7566或者DEF STAN 91-91,用来评价其冰点、密度及氧化稳定性等。PAC提供的仪器都经过行业认证,满足客户对喷气燃料的所有测试要求。
Ellipsometer cited as an approved procedure in ASTM D3241-17a
Freeze point analyzer combines a patented built-in cooling system and a unique, patented detection cell into an ultra-compact design.
Measure freeze point, viscosity and density in jet fuel with Phases's JFA-70Xi in less than 15 minutes
Phase Technology旗下的70Xi分析仪集倾点、浊点和冰点于一身
Measure density of light and mid distillates (40) and heavy oils (40H)
Specifically designed for mobile laboratory applications
Determines direct kinematic viscosity of transparent and opaque liquids fully automated
Manual Viscometer Bath for accurate temperature controls required for general laboratory use or as a constant temperature bath
SeNse是AC Analytical Controls最新开发的。硫化学发光检测器(SCD)提供了超高的灵敏度,非常稳定的基线和极佳的结果重复性。因此,它可以灵活地适用于大多数色谱解决方案。
AC Analytical Controls®,全球常压馏程市场的领导者,提供全方位的解决方案,准确测定从石脑油到原油样品的真实馏程数据。
Specifically designed for routine analysis by refineries, distribution and pipeline companies, independent labs, airline companies, military, or any other organization required to measure FAME (biodiesel) in jet fuel.
The AC Analytical Controls® CNS SIMDIS for Crude Oil is the most advanced analyzer on the market to simultaneously determine the boiling range distribution of Carbon, Nitrogen, and Sulfur in crudes and final products.
ACs Flow Modulation based solutions provides group-type analysis that is rugged, requires very low maintenance, and performs excellent.
To assist refiners in determining D86 boiling range data AC Analytical Controls developed the AC 8634 application. Gas chromatography and thermodynamics are the basis of the 8634 analyzer.
To assist refiners in determining the aromatic content of diesel fuels, AC Analytical Controls developed a fast, robust and easy-to-use system: The AC Mid Distillates Analyzer (MDA).
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