

 感谢您一直以来对PAC公司的支持与信赖!PAC公司于2024年在上海举办四场“PAC专用色谱用户培训”,解决您实际应用中遇到的问题,强化色谱应用的理论与实践技术。 届时PAC的应用和技术专家将与您共同分享色谱技术的经验方法,现场解答相关技术问题。我们竭诚为您提供国内外应用信息、仪器现场操作、专家零距离交流的平台,热烈欢迎PAC的新老用户,以及对色谱技术感兴趣的专家莅临指导! 2024年 PAC色谱培训计划。


PAC 2024年专用色谱用户培训计划
期数 时间 培训主题 培训内容
第一期 6月20-21日 全二维气相色谱分析
  1. 原理介绍
  2. 软件操作
  3. 仪器实操、日常维护及技术答疑
第二期 8月21-23日 汽油石脑油族组成分析
  1. M4分析原理
  2. IRIS软件操作培训
  3. 族组成分析原理及软件操作培训
  4. 仪器实操、日常维护及技术答疑
第三期 10月16-18日 模拟蒸馏分析
  1. 模拟蒸馏原理
  2. IRIS软件操作培训
  3. 族组成分析原理及软件操作培训
  4. 仪器实操、日常维护及技术答疑
第四期 11月18-20日 汽油石脑油族组成分析
  1. M4分析原理
  2. IRIS软件操作培训
  3. 族组成分析原理及软件操作培训
  4. 仪器实操、日常维护及技术答疑


第一期培训已启动,欢迎咨询报名! 专用色谱培训 - 第一期 主 题:模拟蒸馏 & 族组成分析 日 期:6月20-21日 地 点:PAC上海培训室+实验室 上海市浦东新区富特东三路526号5幢353室 报名方式:请正确填写第几期培训+公司名称+姓名+部门/职位+邮箱+联系号码,邮件回复至:bruce.ma@paclp.com。 培训联系:马老师,13816704316


Training Courses in China

We offer hands-on training for our customers at our various facilities, as well as on-site at customers’ locations. Comprehensive training by PAC’s experienced instructors is essential to getting the most out of your PAC instruments. We can also provide you with a custom training for your specific needs.

Class sizes are limited to assure the quality of the training experience. Please register at least 4 weeks in advance of your preferred training date.

Each course is designed for new and existing customers of PAC products; however, a basic knowledge of your analyzer is required. Courses last from two to four days, depending upon the application. The courses consist of theoretical and practical sessions, including:
• System details, software and hardware operation
• Application in a practical way
• Interpretation of results and discussion
• Troubleshooting and maintenance
• Calibration of the instrument



Distributor training is also available. Please contact your regional office for details or check the extranet for more information.

Custom training is available per request. Please contact our Service Department


Terms and Conditions

• Payments need to be settled 100% prior to the start date of the training course. Please click on the required training to open relevant training information including pricing.
• Cancellation within 10 business days before the course is set to start, or in case of non-participation, 100% of the course fees will be charged. Training registration can be transferred to a colleague
• Classes are limited to 8 participants. Courses with less than 2 registrations are subject to cancellation 10 business days prior to scheduled start of training.
• Training prices include training, training materials, as well as food & beverages at the training facilities
• Costs for travelling, accommodation and other meals are not included.


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